Friday, 29 February 2008

Leap Day

Here we are, an extra day to correct time!!!

I think this is the first time in my working life, that I am actually going to get paid for working on leap day. If you are salaried, you don't get any extra pay for working this extra day. I read somewhere that there are people calling on this day to become a national holiday.

I remember an episode of Fraiser, where he said everyone should use this day to "make a leap", try something different. On the TV show, it all ended in disaster, but I can't help thinking that the sentiment is right. However, in saying that, all I'm going to be doing today, is working today.

Sunday, 24 February 2008


I read a letter in a photography magazine recently, where the writer was asking why all photographs with running water in them, the author has decided to shoot at a slow shutter speed. I do like the candyfloss look it gives, but does it look natural? I thought about this yesterday, when I took these pictures. So, I decided to take one of each to compare them. Now I have these pictures, I think there is merit in both. The slow shutter speed, gives you the feeling of movement, but using the fast shutter speed, it does look more natural. What do you think?

Fast Shutter Speed:

Slow Shutter Speed?

I’ve also experimented with the blending mode in layers. I really like using “soft light”!!!

Saturday, 23 February 2008


In the church gardens, it appears that all the gravestones have been moved to one side and lined up in rows around the church perimeter. I think it makes for an interesting picture. The line of stones leads you into the picture. However, here, I used a high aperture and focused on the first stone thus blurring the stones in the background.

Friday, 22 February 2008

St Luke's Church

Full off photographic opportunities, but the low light needs a steady hand or even better a tripod. I tried to use my flash, but didn't like the effect it gave me. Using a chair as a make-shift tripod, I was rather pleased with this candle shot:

I had just light the tall candle. It's something I always do, as it makes me stop what I'm doing, and gives me a minute or two to think of those loved ones no longer with us.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Furry Moped

I have seen many unusual things while walking around Kensington and Chelsea, but I think this is the strangest thing I have seen:

I wonder what the thought process was behind the idea of covering a moped with red fluffy material? What is it like when it’s wet? Does it smell? As I write this, I think I’m quite pleased that I never got too close to it.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Dagenham Heathway Station

It is such a shame that all the money that has been spent on the station to spruce it up, has really been a total waste of time. The waiting room, which has some modern photography style art is all locked up:

This means the people of Dagenham have to sit outside. I just wonder, if this is meant to be the Dagenham way to sit on chairs:

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Journey Times - Feedback

Last week I had a little moan. Well I seem to be right to be a little miffed about the time my journey on the tube takes. The longest journey time during the week was 67 minutes, and the shortest was 55 minutes, both above what the average journey time should take. Even the Transport for London journey planner for the 07:44 train, which is the one I aim for, says it should take 54 minutes. So, going to work, I am spending half an hour more on the tube, than I should.

Transport for London reckons the journey time back to Dagenham is quicker. This does seem to ring true. However, my average journey time takes an extra 5 minutes. Which over a week works out to be an extra 25 minutes.

Am I right to moan about this? Well, it is nearly an extra hour a week travelling time. However, I can see the solution that Transport for London would implement. They would just increase the published journey times.

I will carry on keeping notes of the times for the next couple of weeks, and will feed back my findings later.

Monday, 18 February 2008

Ticket Barrier

Taken at Holborn Station while waiting for a friend. I wanted to get some movement into the picture. It's just a shame that the chap in the picture is not wearing a brighter colour. I like the fact that the woman in the background managed to keep still for me!!!!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Essex Pigs

These Essex Pigs are on loan to Colchester Zoo from Jimmy’s Farm. They were brought back from near extinction by Jimmy Doherty. Jimmy who has a zoology degree took over a derelict farm on the Suffolk/Essex border concentrated on rare breeds of farm animals. They even made a TV series of the trials and tribulations he went through.

Friday, 15 February 2008


This started of as a really boring picture. I was drawn to take the picture, because of the unusual "Taxi" sign. This was outside a block of flats in Kensington, London, and is obviously used to flag down a taxi for its residence.

Looking at the picture again, I thought I would try a black and white conversion. Using Elements 6, there is a "convert to Black and White" function. This looks fine, but it allows you to change the red, green and blue channels, as well as the contrast. Having a play with these, and then adding some noise, I ended up with the above picture, which I really like. Not so boring now, well not to me that is.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

A Moan

I have only been commuting by underground for the last 5 months, and already I am getting fed up with the time it takes me to get to and from work. The advertised average journey time between Dagenham Heathway and South Kensington is 54 minutes. However the time coming home is only 51 minutes. Being average journey times, you would think that on some occasions the journey time would be less than advertised. However, I don’t think that has ever happened while I’ve been on the train. So as of today, I have decided to keep a note of the times it has taken me, and I will report back once a week with my actual journey times

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Foggy Morning

Some mornings you wait ages with no sign of a train!!!!

Monday, 11 February 2008

Kynance Mews 2

Still on Kynance Mews. This picture looked too "white" in colour. So I decided to convert it to black and white. In doing so, I added a little noise to give it a film feel.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Kynance Mews 1

Walking around Kensington on my lunch break, often brings up some surprises. Kynance Mews is just off Gloucester Road, which is a busy road. However, taking a few steps down the mews, you would think you were walking around a little village, and London was miles away, rather than just a few metres away.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Onslow Square Revisited

I first took this picture a few months ago, but was not too happy with the end result, and thought I could do better. Walking around, I was looking for a better viewpoint, and one with many more lamps to lead you through the picture. I don't think I could get a better composition than this one.

Monday, 4 February 2008

Lion Close Up

On a recent visit to Colchester Zoo, I was without my tripod, so didn't think I could use the zoom lens on my DSLR. So for long distance shots I used my Panasonic point and shoot. While looking at the lions, I started to mess with the digital zoom. My Panasonic camera has 10x optical zoom, so allows me to get very close anyway. However, I was amazed with the picture I captured with the digital zoom added. I was always lead to believe that you should never use the digital zoom, but looking at this picture, I may use it more often if needed.

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Shadow Lamp

I was so lucky today. Just for a few seconds it seemed, I got to see this great shadow. I literally just had a few seconds before the sun disappeared behind the clouds. I am rather pleased with the outcome.

Friday, 1 February 2008

Fire Update

There is still no news on what caused the fire at the begining of January. However, they are starting to take down the damaged parts of the building. It doesn't look that professional, but thinking about the cramped space these people are working in, you have to admire their courage and ingenuity. There is no way I could stand on the edges they are, never mind make a mobile phone call while there!!!!